Guest student sitting in class

Guest Students

Take it Here, Bring it There!

Take a course as a guest student and transfer it to your home school. Complete your prerequisites, electives and general education courses at Camden County College to receive credits for less. Register today!

Complete our Guest Student Registration form below to select courses to take back to your home institution! Guest students are not required to submit a formal Admissions application as they are not seeking to complete a degree program at CCC. Please keep in mind, guest students are not eligible for Financial Aid.

Please make sure the email provided is correct, as that will be our only method of contacting you regarding your registration.

We ask that students please allow 7 business days to assure we can create their account and provide them a Guest Student confirmation welcome letter in an email. As this is a manual registration process, courses are subject to change in availability. For immediate assistance, please visit our Blackwood campus and we will do our best to accommodate your guest registration needs!

New Guest Student Registration Format

Please read the instructions for completing our newly created guest student registration form.

What happens next?

We will contact you via email to confirm your registration and provide information on how to pay for your classes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a guest student?
  • A student who attends another college or university other than Camden County College.
  • A student who may already have a bachelor’s degree or graduate degree.
  • A student who is non-matriculated at CCC, taking one or two classes before deciding on a course of study.
  • A student who does not require financial aid (Guest students may not receive financial aid).
How do I register for classes?

Complete the guest student registration form. #16 of the registration form allows you to search for classes that are offered so you can input that information into the form.

Can I register as a guest student in person?

Yes, you can come to any of the 3 campuses and register in person.

I enrolled in an early session in a term and now I would like to enroll in a later session in the same term. How do I do this?

Complete a new guest student registration form to register for additional classes.

Are there payment plans available?

There are payment plans available for fall and spring terms. Payment plans are not available for summer classes. If you are registering for classes during early registration, payment can be deferred until the payment due date. If you register after early registration, payment is due the same day as registration or your course will be dropped for non-payment. Additional information on paying for your courses can be found on our Tuition and Payment page.

When is payment due?

Payment for courses in the current semester are due upon registration now that our payment deadline has passed. A student will know a balance is due once they receive a guest confirmation welcome email with their bill attached. They receive this notification within 7 business days of their form being submitted.

For upcoming Winter and Spring 2025 courses, payment will be due December 2024. Official registration and payment deadlines will be announced late October.

How do I get a myCCC account set up?

Once you are registered for classes your myCCC account will be activated and you will be sent instructions.

When does the registration period open for each semester?

Summer and Fall courses become available in March.
Spring and Winter courses become available in October.
Please see our Registration Information pages for more specific updates!

What if a course closes before I am registered?

Courses are subject to change in availability. If a course’s seats become full before your registration is processed, we are not permitted to override seat capacity. We recommend referring to our registration availability announcements to secure spots early. Unfortunately we do not have a waitlist option for registration.

What courses require review of transcripts prior to registration?

Review of an unofficial transcript is required for prerequisite completion for the below courses:
BIO: 211, 212, 221, 240
CHM: 111, 112, 221, 222
PHY: 201, 202
EGR: 101, 201

The unofficial transcript can be attached to the Guest Registration form and on the student’s behalf we will confirm approval with the respective academic department.


Contact Information

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